Lift up, Lift up, Raise up
Lift up, Lift up, Raise up
Burden, Heavy, Heavy, Lift up, Ram, Tamp
Lift up, Pop up
Lift up, Raise
Get Up, Heaved, In the process, Lifted, Raised, Verb Ending, While doing
Lift up
Earth's, Floor, Get away, Get away from, Gets, Getting, Got away, Ground, Leave, Leaves, Leaving, Left, Move away, Moved, Moves, Moving, Separate, To get, To leave, To move, To separate
Lift off, Lift up
Lift, Lift up, Stick up, Sticking
Lift, Lift up
Lift, Lift higher, Lift up, Lifted, Lifted higher, Lifted up, Lifting, Lifts, To lift
Hoisted, Lift, Lift up, Lifted
Lift, Lift up
Get Up, Hoisted, In the process, Lifted, Verb Ending, While doing
Lift up, Raise, Rise, To lift, To raise, To rise
Lift up
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